3. WordPress - You’re using WordPress for your blog, aren’t you? WordPress is the best blogging platform available to use to manage your blog site and best of all it’s completely free. I not use wordpress because I prefer to use blogspot and I say no to wordpress. I have my own secret why I choose it.
4. WordPress Theme - Use a good quality WordPress theme! Sites like WooThemes & StudioPress offer high quality WordPress themes to its users. This makes your site look and feel more professional to your readers, which will cause them to trust you more. People do judge a book by its cover, so having a sharp looking website helps readers stick around for longer. I no need this because I use blogspot.
5. Publish blog posts regularly! Yes, this is what I done.
6. Spend time creating unique, quality blog content! Content is King after all. And the most importand, your entry title is SEO.
7. Use Google Analytics! Track your site progress and see where you need to improve. Sometime I do, sometime I didn't. I use this for my SEO entry only.
8. Give your blog it’s own unique voice… You! People are going to be reading what YOU write, so make sure that it is interesting and different in some way to the competition. Yes, that's true. So how about you?
9. Build relationships with your readers! Let your readers see the REAL you. Blogging is more personal than conventional websites. Be honest and share a few stories from your own life. By being real and personal, you will build a relationship with your readers based on loyalty and trust. Nowadays I only update about my personal life, right? I need readers back to my blog.
10. Persistence is the key! Give your blog at least 6 months before you start expecting great returns on all of your hard work. Believe me, it will pay off in the long run! Thanks for my blog. I effort more for this. Its not easy to do.
11. Ask your visitors for suggestions! They can help you to improve your website content, because at the end of the day, it’s all about your readers. I not reqularly ask any suggestion for my blog. So maybe I do after this.
12. Look out for trends within your niche! Actually I don't like trends because sometime they copy paste, so I prefer to write about my personal life. Sometime can.
13. Write about something that you love! If you don’t enjoy the subject that you are writing about, you will not put the required effort in to succeed. You must enjoy your writing.
14. Have fun! Blogging doesn’t always have to be serious. Feel free to make your posts fun and entertaining. Yeah!
15. Include an “About Us” page! Think of this page as an advert for your site. Sell yourself, your qualities, past experiences, information about you, your story and how you got started. The better this page is, the more likely people are to trust what you are writing about. In this blog, u can see "About Me" and "Home".
16. Make a Subscription Page! I prefer free one. It is expensive for a full package. So I did a free one.
17. Make a Confirmation Page! People will be redirected back to your site to the confirmation page, after they subscribe. Do more, more visitor.
18. Create Comparison Pages! When you are promoting a certain product on your website, it can be beneficial to create a comparison page that lists other products that are similar. People like to shop around to find the best deal, so if you can let them do that with your website it will benefit you. This is for online shop website only.
19. Let people contact you via a Contact Page! Provide a clear page that lists all of the ways that readers can get in contact with you to ask you questions, seek advice, etc. In this blog, you can visit "About Me".
20. Provide an Advertising Space Page! If you offer advertising space on your website, then you will need a page detailing how someone would go about securing it. I did it!
21. Make an Earnings Disclaimer Page! If you are one of these people that talks about money and how much they are earning, then you need to provide an earnings disclaimer page. This is just to stop you from getting into trouble. You can visit "Home".
22. Provide an FAQ Page for your readers! You will find that people tend to ask the same sort of questions repeatedly. Having an FAQ page that helps to answer these questions is very helpful for people. I not done it.
23. Make Category Pages! I split my posts up into different categories and created a page for each. This way, people that are only interested in some page can easily find them, without having to search through all of my posts. Sometime I do label, sometime not.
24. Create a Product List Page! The aim of this page is to display all of your recommended and highest converting products to your visitors. This way, they can easily see the things that you use, which can encourage them to invest in them themselves. Just for online shop website.
25. Create a customized 404 page! Yes, I did it!
26. Write with your reader in mind! Imagine that you are chatting with them over lunch. Write as though they are sat right in front of you and stay away from over the top technical terms. I don't care, it is not necessary for me.
27. Learn to write great headlines! Done.
28. Create Top Lists! e.g. Top 50 Earning Blogs, Top 50 Valued Websites, etc. I hope this entry create top lists for me.
29. Use numbers in your titles to attract attention! e.g. 70 Tips On How To Be A Better Blogger. This is what I always done, like this post.
30. Create a “How To” articles! Done.
31. Use Images within each of your blog posts! Yes, I did it.
32. Edit your posts ruthlessly! Bad spelling & grammar are one of the easiest ways of putting people off. But sometime I used it.
33. Turn your articles into podcasts! Not yet.
34. Turn your articles into videos using PowerPoint to create an entertaining slide show. Submit your video to all of the popular video sites, such as YouTube and Vimeo. Not yet.
35. Turn your articles into downloadable PDFs/ebooks. Not yet.
36. Use Infographics! Not yet.
37. Submit your site to blog directories! Done.
38. Submit to blog carnivals! I not popular, so not yet.
39. Use Email Marketing! Encourage people back to your site by promoting your latest post/promotion/competition. Sometime I did it.
40. Sign up to Google+! Attract traffic to your blog with Google Plus. Done.
41. Sign up to LinkedIn! Build your business with LinkedIn and drive traffic to your site. Done.
42. Sign up to Twitter! Use Twitter to promote your site. Done.
43. Create a Facebook Page! Make a profitable Facebook Fan Page and promote your blog. Done.
44. Sign up for Feedburner! Let readers subscribe to your RSS feed on your site. A good way to do this is to place an RSS feed link at the bottom of every post. Not yet. Don't know how to register!
45. Use On-Page SEO Techniques & Off-Page SEO Techniques to improve your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs)! Always do! Yeahhh!
46. Use internal linking within your posts! Sometime I do when related.
47. Optimise your pages & posts using targeted Google keywords! Yes, I keep try too.
48. Get involved in the blogging community! Being a blogger is about being part of a larger community. Leave comments and post links to other peoples blogs and get to know your favourite bloggers. Always and everyday.
49. Encourage social media sharing & bookmarking! You should make sure to include social media links before and after each post, which allow readers to share what they have read with other people via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. You can see it below my blog entry.
50. Install Google XML Sitemaps plug-in! This plug-in will enable you to automatically generate a Google sitemap for your blog. Not yet.
51. Become a Guest Blogger! Write guest post articles for other blogs. This helps to spread the word about you and your site to other people that will be interested. Not yet.
52. Invite your readers to submit guest post articles to your site! Not yet.
53. Conduct interviews with industry experts/other bloggers within your niche! This is one of the best ways to create original, engaging content. Not yet.
54. Translate your site into multiple languages! This is one tactic that few sites are taking advantage of. Simply installing a plug-in that allows translation of your pages is a great way of attracting more traffic. Don't know how to do.
55. Submit exclusive content to high-profile sites. Done.
56. Pick a profitable niche to blog about! Learn how to select a blog topic that makes the most money. Yes, sometime I did it.
57. Treat your blog like a business! Yes.
58. Passive Income! Sometime.
59. Recursive Income! Not yet.
60. Affiliate Marketing! Not yet.
61. Google Adsense! Not yet.
62. Product Reviews! Yes, sometime I did it.
63. Make & sell your own product! Not yet.
64. Write an ebook! Not yet.
65. Membership site! Not yet.
66. Email Marketing! Not yet.
67. Job Boards! Not yet.
68. Donations! Not yet.
69. Sell your Website! No, I can't do that!
70. Read 30 Ways Your Website Can Earn You Money! Not yet.
- Blue : 37 done.
- Red : 33 not yet.
- Means : Ok but still not a better blogger. 33 steps to go on.

3 sweet comments:
whoaa banyaknye tips. x larat nak baca habis hehehe.
tengs utk info ni semua.. now, tgh google theme drpd wootheme :)
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