Bila korang renung header di atas, pasti korang dapat teka header blog siapakah ni.
Ya, semestinya header ni kepunyaan blogger Si Matatajam.
Hari ni ialah hari ulangtahun kelahiran kak M.
Selamat Hari Lahir, kak M.
Solehah sayang akak sangat-sangat! :)
Once a year I get the chance
To wish you birthday cheer
It pleases me no end to say
I wish you another great year
I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun
Surprises, love and happiness
And when your birthday’s done
I hope you feel deep in your heart
As your birthdays come and go
How very much you mean to me
More than you can know
Love u friend... From the bottom of my heart.

16 sweet comments:
dq pon dah up n3 autopublish saja..haha
belum up lagi la....
happpy besday kak M
hohoho...hepi bday to her.
selamat ulangtahun kak m...
selaamt hari lahir buat k.m ;)
hepi besday M si matajam.. =)
Selamat hari lahir gak buat M! ^^,
Klik2 Nuffnang!
Lepas ni Mieza akan komen 'DONE' kalau Mieza dah klik Nuff kat sini.. ^_~
*Jangan publish komen ni*
hepi besday kak M..
moga semua impian kak M tercapai :)
happy bzday M
happy birthday Kak M
happy birth M
H ~ B ~ M
happy birthday kak m
kak m dan kak solehah daebak!!(terbaik)
HBB kak M :-)
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