Okay, I know I do this entry on late midnight. My eyes not tired yet. So, I hope what I share this can make u happy. Hey girls, please buy this Libresse. Libresse Slim Pantyliner. With this purchase, u can get an Interactive 2014 calendar from them. I love this calendar because it is different from the other calendar. What the important is (see the last two picture & the last picture). Is it great? It is not just a picture, but the picture looks real. Whoahh I love it.

9 sweet comments:
Cute! :D
haaa nak kene beli la!
part mana yang interactive tu solehah? huhu.. btw jom join segmen kat belog akak :)
cantik laa calendar tuu
wah..cantiklah kalender dia.. :) ceria
aku nak komen apa ni? :-o
yumida pun ade beli yg pantyliner libresee..tp dulu..xde promosi kalendar
cantiklah..! nak beli jugak laa...
kiutnya kalender tu..
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