Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Ihya' Ramadan 2014 TV Al-Hijrah Theme Song (تامر حسنى - شهر رمضان)


تيجوا نصوم شهر رمضان، زي ما وصانا ربنا
Teego nsoum shahr ramadan zay ma wassana rabina
What do you think we fast Ramadan month, as God told us

صوم وصلاة ونقرا القرآن ونقيم الليل كلنا
Soum w salah w ni2ra el qur2an w nqeem elleil kollina
Fast, prayers, we recite Quran, and pray after midnight all of us

ونزكي وندي الغلابا
W nzakki w niddi el 3'laba
pay zakah, give poor people

في ناس كتير أوي محتاجة يتحس بيهم وبدموع عينيهم
Fi nas kteer awi me7tagah yet7as beehom w bi dmou3 3ineihom
There are lots of people need to felt of them and their tears

انوي انت بس وربنا يقضيلك الحاجة
Enwi enta bas w rabbina y2deelak el 7aga
You just decide and God will reply your need

عايزين طول الشهر ده نلم شمل العيلة
3ayzeen toul esh-shahr dah nlim shaml el 3eilah
We want to gather all family together in this month

نفضل على طول بالشكل ده نسأل على بعض كل ليلة 
Nifdal 3ala toul bish-shakl dah nis2al 3ala b3d kolli leila
And to stay like this all for ever, asking for one another every night

ونصالح الزعلانين ونحس بالمحتاجين... دول برضو أهلنا
W nsale7 ez3lanien w n7is bil mi7tageen.. doul bardo ahlina
And make it up with people who are mad at us and feel needy... these are also our relatives

كلنا عايزين بعد رمضان نفضل زي ما احنا
Kollina 3ayzeen b3d rmadan nifdal ay ma e7na
We want after Ramadan to remain as we became in it

صلاة وزكاة وقرآن وإيمان... حنلاقي الدنيا أحلى
Salah w zaka w Qur2an w eman.. 7anla2i eddounia a7la
Prayers, zakat, Quran and faith, we'll find life more beautiful

مين عارف نهايتو إيمتى
Mien 3arif nihayto emta
Who knows when his end will come

مين عارف نهايتو فين
Mein 3arif nihayto feen
Who knows when his end will be

مين عارف نهايتو إيمتى
Mien 3arif nihayto emta
Who knows when his end will come

مين عارف نهايتو فين
Mein 3arif nihayto feen
Who knows when his end will be

يارب ارزقنا إنت
Ya rab erzo2na enta
Oh God, please give us

يارب ارزقنا إنت
Ya rab erzo2na enta
Oh God, please give us

يا رب ارزقنا انت بحسن الخاتمة
Ya rab erzo2na enta bi 7osn el 5atimah
Oh God please give us the good ending

شهر رمضان - تامر حسنى

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Solehah for this Nasyeed. Been looking up and low and found in ur blogspot. Salam Ramadhan.
